Verifying a User Has an Active Digital Key

Steps to verify that a user has an active digital key.

When a user first arrives on-site and signs in to the mobile app with his credentials, his device is checking in with the Nokē system. Upon this check-in, a security verification is performed which asks the Nokē Smart Entry system:

  • Who is this user?
  • What unit(s) are rented?
  • Is the tenant paid current?
  • Is the tenant here during his scheduled access hours?
  • Is the device on-site, etc.?

To see if a user has an active key or if his key is expired, navigate in the Web Portal to the Users tab and then select the specific user. On this page, you will see a field called Offline Key Expiration.

Here is an example of a key that is expired:

Here is an example of a key that is currently active:

If the Offline Key Expiration is Expired, then the user needs to download a new key. He can do this by simply logging into the Storage Smart Entry by Nokē app while on-site or by opening an entry with the app. In both cases, he needs to have cell phone service or be connected to Wi-Fi. By doing that, a new key is automatically downloaded (if the user should have access). 

If this does not work, try to log out and back into the app, and then unlock an entry while connected to Wi-Fi or with cellphone service.


Permission Needed

  • Manage Users

For more information, click below:

Understanding Digital Keys
Sharing Digital Keys

Click below to view tutorial(s):

How to Check for Digital Key Expiration