Reporting Feedback to the Facility

A comprehensive explanation of the feature that allows tenants to provide feedback to the facility.

One valuable feature at your disposal is the option for tenants to provide feedback about your facility. By utilizing this feature, you can easily keep track of your customer's satisfaction levels and gain valuable insights into their experiences. This not only allows you to promptly address any concerns or issues that may arise but also provides your staff with valuable information to enhance their service.

How Tenants Send Feedback

  1. From the tenant's mobile app, tap on the Settings icon (three lines in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap Feedback. A form is displayed where the tenant can add the following information: 
  • Rating Scale (0 to 5 - 0 indicating dissatisfaction and 5 indicating utmost satisfaction).
  • A text box to fill out information including any questions, comments, or concerns. 

Once complete, tap Submit and the mobile app displays a pop-up with the option to send this feedback to either Nokē Developers (if the feedback is specific to the Nokē Smart Entry system and NOT specific to the facility) or to the Storage Facility

If tenants have any feedback related to the facility or require a prompt response or solution, they should send it directly to the facility.

This will show up on your Web Portal dashboard in the widget called Recent Feedback

Clicking on each item will bring up more information related to this feedback. 


For more information, click below: 

Using the Recent Feedback Widget 

Mastering the Virtual Walk-Thru Checklist

Customizing the Dashboard