Explaining Blacklist Facility Setting

An in-depth explanation and comprehensive overview of the concept of blacklisting and its practical applications

Use Blacklist

The Use Blacklist setting is a Facility Setting that can be accessed through the Web Portal. It is recommended to have this setting turned On at facilities that use fobs. When a tenant goes into delinquent status or moves out, this setting deactivates their fobs at the gates.

This setting is particularly important for facilities that utilize fobs because fobs are not "smart" devices. This means that they are unable to read statuses or go into overlock or any delinquent status on their own. The Use Blacklist setting acts as a workaround for this limitation by disabling the fob based on the assigned Tracking ID. Our system assigns a unique Tracking ID number to each person who uses an entry point, allowing us to track their entry. When someone goes into overlock or moves out, Nokē Smart Entry instructs the device to block that specific Tracking ID, which consequently deactivates the fob associated with that user. The Tracking ID remains blocked until further instructions are given. Once the user returns to good standing, the Tracking ID is removed from the Blacklist, granting the fob access again.

If the Use Blacklist setting is turned Off, the Tracking ID of a user in a delinquent state will not be added to the Blacklist. As a result, the Tracking ID will not be blocked, and access will be granted.

To enable Use Blacklist,

  • Log in to the Nokē Smart Entry Web Portal.
  • Navigate to the Settings tab.
  • Click on the Facility tab. 
  • From there, scroll down to the section labeled Tenant Settings.
  • Under this section, there is a setting called Use Blacklist which can be toggled On or Off.

If the fob remains in Blacklisting mode even after the delinquent status has been resolved, the facility can easily resolve the issue by performing a Fob Resync.

If an individual attempts to access the facility while their Tracking ID is blacklisted, it will be recorded in the Activity history as Failed Unlock - Blacklisted.


  • Manage Facilities

If you require access to these reports, contact an administrator to add permission to your role type.

For more information, click below:

Working with Fobs

Replacing the Battery in a Fob

Explaining why Shared Users Can't Use Fobs