Janus Connected - Janus International Group

What is the Price of a High-Quality Roll-up Door?

Written by Janus International Group | Oct 27, 2020

Understanding the Value of Steel Roll-up Doors

It's no secret that the cost of a product and the level of its quality are directly related, and we're not just talking about the quality of your roll-up door. Think of an iPhone for example, not only are these products innovative and high-quality, but they offer industry leading service too. When you need help navigating your smart device or have a question, Siri's there at the sound of your voice to help guide you to a solution. Believe it or not, innovation and service are just as important when identifying the value and quality of a steel roll up door.


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Choosing the right door and understanding its value are imperative to any commercial project. Sure, a low-cost door can initially save you money, but when you purchase a cheap door you're not investing in the quality or service that are so important to the application.


Low-cost solutions are temporary and they open the door for higher expenses down the road. This is because cheap doors degrade quickly and require a lot of maintenance. When you purchase doors that come standard with easy tension adjustment and pre-greased springs enclosed in a tube inside the barrel assembly, the need for routinely greasing springs to provide smoother operations and longevity are eliminated!



Know what you're paying for

When evaluating the price of a steel roll-up door, it's important to understand what all you're paying for and exactly what's included in your quote. Don't be blinded by companies that are only quoting materials to show you low prices. Or, those who have cheaper products that actually require more maintenance, repairs and expenses down the road. When looking for a roll-up door, find a provider that has a full set of technical drawings and specifications, installation and a highly skilled team of experts to oversee your commercial project from start to finish. 


Factors that Drive Price

There are many factors that go into the cost of a roll-up door in addition to quality; including, size, model/features and it's level of customization. We all know that larger doors require more materials, so it only makes sense that their price would reflect the cost of those resources. Same goes for doors designed for heavy-duty or special applications; such as wind-rated or impact-rated doors. And, doors tailored to meet specific design needs such as color. With over 30 paint colors to choose from, you have the opportunity to customize your commercial doors to meet your exact design needs. While all of these factors can increase the overall cost of your steel roll-up door, they also add value and it's up to you to decide what's most important and sustainable for your application. 


When investing in the right door for your application, you're opening the opportunity for sustainability and cost savings. How you ask? Wind-rated doors are designed to withstand the pressures associated with severe weather. When doors aren't wind-load rated during a high-speed wind event, winds can push the curtain inward and allow pressure to build inside of the building. This often results to the roof blowing off and major damage to the structure. By investing in a high-quality wind-rated door for this application, you could save money by investing in the right product before disaster strikes. Check out DASMA's featured story to learn more about saving money (and your building) with the right door.


Doing your homework on steel roll-up doors before making a purchasing decision is key to any commercial project, no matter the size. Make sure you're asking questions about the quotes you receive and what items you're truly getting so you can ensure you're choosing the highest quality door with the lowest maintenance and best service for your next commercial or industrial project.


Key Takeaways:

  • Investing in the right door can save you money long-term.
  • Cheap doors aren't always sustainable and can cost you more over time in repairs, maintenance and expenses.
  • Understand your quote and the items you're actually paying for.
  • Do your homework!